IWW Studios
Giacomo Zadro is an Australian Photographer based in Sydney Australia.
He first became interested in photography at the age of 23 and enrolled in study at the Australian Centre of Photography in 2005. Since then, his single focus has been on to improve his skills, learn new photography genres, and test his work in a variety of competitions.
After travelling extensively around Europe, Giacomo returned to Australia and began to work within the photographic industry across a variety of genres including as a wedding photographer, self-employed landscape photographer, as well as a fine art portrait photographer.
Throughout this time, he regularly entered work in a variety of competitions and in 2013 his image of Hong Kong placed 9th at the Epson Panoramic Awards and was featured by Epson at the Royal Exhibition Hall in Melbourne. In 2014, he ventured to Italy to discover the ghost town of his mother, Poggioreale, which has been abandoned since the Belize earthquake of 1968.
In order to preserve the memory of Poggioreale, he began work on a fine art photo book and held his first exhibition in Leichardt in 2014. The sold-out exhibition titled Poggioreale, was a smash hit selling out and his work was picked up by Berkelouw Books later that year.
In 2016 Poggioreale placed 3rd at the International Photography Awards and was featured at Carnegie Hall New York as part of the photo festival.
After taking a hiatus from photography in 2019 ,Giacomo decided to return to photography after the Covid 19 pandemic and launched IWW Studios. IWW Studios (I went wandering) has a strong focus on street photography, past travels, portraits, fine art and is located in the inner-city Sydney suburb of Newtown.
Currently, Giacomo works as a fine art photographer as well as a photography educator.